UTOPIA: a sense of freedom in the new Janja Videc clothing collection
Fashion designer Janja Videc is telling a story of freedom and the mysterious inner life with her collection titled UTOPIA II, captured in the magical world of salterns.
Collection UTOPIA II brings us a sense of freedom and the mysterious inner life. Where everything is always right, even if it seems wrong at the first glance. Where, by the power of female cycles, everything finds its way, no matter the circumstances or if the season is currently of growth or decline, creation or stagnation, light or darkness.
Story of saltern people
“The collection was captured by the photographer and creative director of the photoshoot, Mario Zupanov, in a magical place – the abandoned salterns. So it carries a very special memory of summer. While shooting the collection Mario and I spontaneously thought of a story about the Saltern people, who once inhabited this magical place, lived only on salt grains and once it disappeared, the people disappeared along with it. Left behind them is only their spirit dancing in the abandoned salt pans, perfectly embodied by our model Andreja Slavič.”
UTOPIA II clothing collection made by the fashion designer Janja Videc is the continuation of the story that started to unfold between the first wave of the epidemic and the isolation in March. It speaks of the magical garden inside all of us, where everything is possible.
It is composed of 6 different dresses, each bringing forth its own qualities, be it tenderness, strength or passion. It is dedicated to modern warrioresses, who put their heart in the first place. It can be sophisticated and chic for a night out, combined with sneakers for an urban setting, or even for the dreamy bohemian. Minimalist lines leave the option open to the stylist’s interpretation, letting unique details be the cherry on top.
New reality brings deeper connections
Limitations that follow us on each step have deepened the connection between the designer and her customers, who recognize the quality of materials and unique design. “Currently the unpredictability of the situation goes hand in hand with my reflections of why and how I want to create. I’ve always known that I want to create for a very special kind of woman, who carries a soul and has a depth to her personality. As a solopreneur I have to take on many different roles, leaving the time to be creative, which is the reason I set on this journey in the first place, very scarce. My response to the social expectations after the immense growth and expanse is, therefore, to focus on a smaller span of customers, boutique collections, unique pieces and building relationships. I build a very welcoming space for women wearing my clothes. It is essential to understand them, take time for them and really feel them.”
Capsule collections as a result of emerging new ideas
The creative spirit and creativity do not stop, instead, they are remodeled in accordance to new times. “At the moment I am creating smaller, capsule collections. I go with the creative flow and don’t think too much, instead, I let new ideas sprout spontaneously from the depths. I don’t focus much on planning the larger collections, because I feel the time now is more appropriate for smaller – capsule collections available online. The products of my creative endeavors can be found online at janjavidec.com and in the boutique Zoofa on Breg 12 in Ljubljana.”
Collection: UTOPIA II
Photo & Creative Direction: Mario Zupanov
Model: Andreja Slavič
MUA: Špela Hudobivnik
Utopia prinaša vonj po svobodi, po skrivnostnem notranjem življenju, kjer je vedno vse prav, čeprav se na prvi pogled zdi vse narobe in po ciklični ženski moči, ki vedno najde pot, ne glede na okoliščine – v obdobjih rasti in upadanja, v času ustvarjanja in v času mirovanja, v času svetlobe in v času teme.
Kolekcija je bila posneta na magičnem kraju, v zapuščenih solinah pod kreativnim vodstvom fotografa Maria Zupanov, zato v sebi nosi spomin na poletje. »Med fotografiranjem kolekcije sva si z Mariom spontano izmislila zgodbo o Solnih ljudeh, ki so nekoč živeli na tem čarobnem kraju, se prehranjevali le z zrnci soli in ko jo je zmanjkalo so odšli neznano kam, njihov duh, ki ga je perfektno upodobila manekenka Andreja Slavič, pa še vedno pleše po zapuščenih solinah.«
»Trenutno nepredvidljivo dogajanje sovpada tudi z mojo refleksijo o tem, zakaj in na kakšen način želim ustvarjati. Vedno sem vedela, da želim ustvarjati za posebne ženske, ženske z dušo in globino. Kot samostojna ustvarjalka se moram dnevno preleviti v različne vloge, zato za ustvarjalni del, ki mi predstavlja razlog, da sem se podala na to pot, velikokrat ne preostane toliko časa, kot bi si želela. Moj odgovor na družbena pričakovanja po nenehni rasti in širjenju je zato fokusiranost na ozek krog strank, butične kolekcije, unikatne kose in grajenje odnosov, ustvarjanje prostora za toplo besedo, za to, da razumem žensko, ki nosi moje oblačilo, da si vzamem čas, se ustavim in začutim.
V tem trenutku ustvarjam manjše, kapsulne kolekcije, prepuščam se ustvarjalnemu toku, ne razmišljam preveč, raje pustim, da se iz globin sproti rojevajo nove ideje. Ni toliko fokusa na načrtovanju večjih kolekcij, mislim, da je v tem trenutku čas primernejši za manjše, kapsulne kolekcije, ki so dostopne preko spleta. Produkte mojih ustvarjalnih navdihov je sicer mogoče najti na spletni strani in v trgovini Zoofa na Bregu 12 v Ljubljani.«
Kolekcija UTOPIA II je nadaljevanje zgodbe, ki se je pričela plesti v času izolacije v marcu in govori o magičnem vrtu znotraj nas, kjer je mogoče vse. Sestavljena je iz šestih različnih oblek, vsaka izmed njih pa v ospredje prinaša svoje kvalitete, najsi bo nežnost ali moč ali strast. Namenjena sodobnim bojevnicam, ki na prvo mesto postavljajo srce. Lahko je sofisticirano šik, tudi za večerne priložnosti, v kombinaciji s supergami je lahko urbana, lahko je zasanjano boemska. Minimalistične linije puščajo odprte možnosti za stilske interpretacije, unikatni detajli pa pričarajo piko na i.