The Homegrown Issue
The Homegrown Issue editorial is inspired by growing up in the countryside. Now, in adult years I’m looking back to kindly accept the primitive solutions of the environment that defined my identity, fashion style and design. Things have not always been like this, most of it was once an embarrassment – how ridiculous that sounds to me today.
The editorial carries some symbolic matter of a small kid who stuffed the creativity behind closed doors. I proudly wear some of my designs standing next to the fabulous doga Henrik who I gave up the title “who wore it better” for. The concept was to also combine old clothes with a modern twist, sharing the love for Slovenian designers and some legacy brands. The fact that we shot this at home, where I come from, gives it a bigger meaning.
Without Katarina, Luka and Henrik… this idea would probably still be waiting to see the light. Thanks to all of you for your time and kindness.
Creative direction & Styling: Nina Šušmelj
Photographer: Katarina Veselič
Photography assistant: Luka Jereb
Models: Nina Šušmelj, Henrik