

“Kvadrastolp” is a 3D-printed metal ring, modeled in the Blender program.

Inspiration for the design was the sculpture “Tower of Babel”, sculpted by John Oxman. The ring is part of a documentary exhibition entitled Re / Forma viva on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Forma Viva International Symposium of Sculptors in the Božidar Jakac Gallery in Kostanjevica na Krki. The exhibition is on view from 2 July to 26 September 2021.

Design and photography: Kaja Bakan


“Kvadrastolp” je 3D tiskan prstan iz kovine, modeliran v programu Blender.

Izhodišče predstavlja kip “Babilonski stolp”, avtorja Johna Oxmana. Prstan je del razstave z naslovom Re / Forma viva ob 60-letnici mednarodnega simpozija kiparjev Forma Viva v galeriji Božidar Jakac v Kostanjevici na Krki. Razstava je na ogled od 2. julija do 26. septembra 2021.

Oblikovanje in fotografija: Kaja Bakan

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